jueves, 26 de junio de 2008


Do you remember Grignards Reagents from your Organic Chemistry class????

Grignard reagents (R-Mg-X) are highly versatile tools for building carbon skeletons of complex organic molecules. While the chemistry of Grignard reagents has been known for over 100 years, their use in synthetic organic chemistry has never been more popular. As a producer of numerous specialty organic compounds, let us put our experience with Grignard reagents to work for you and your application!
Grignard Reagents are currently available from GFS Chemicals:
To use chart at right: Locate the desired 'R' (alkyl) group by row and halogen 'X' by column. The letters correspond to available solvents; T = tetrahydrofuran; E = diethyl ether.
As with all GFS Chemicals products, you'll enjoy the flexibility of being able to buy exactly how much material you need, from bottles to bulk – No more adapting your needs to the limitations of other suppliers' package offerings!
GFS Chemicals also carries a full line of anhydrous solvents suitable for Grignard systems, as well as materials for use as Grignard initiators:
Solvents: Ethyl ether, anhydrous (#916) Tetrahydrofuran (#2492) MTBE (#2268) n-butyl ether (#2639)
Initiators: cerium(III) chloride, anhydrous (#2902) iodine, prills (#2748)

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008


A great report can be read in the Chemical Processing magazine, June 08 edition (www.chemicalprocessing.com), describing an alternative use that can be given to waste carbon dioxide.
We are all conscious by now that CO2 levels in the atmosphere are constantly growing due to motor and industrial emissions amongst other causes; and that we have lesser trees and vegetation to convert it to oxygen.
Worst news about this is that the increase in CO2 content in the greenhouse gas composition, has a drastic increase in the temperature rise in the atmosphere with time, and is one cause for the global warming we are all worried about.
The good news is that scientists are working to find ways to use the excess CO2 being produced; like Dr. Michael North, a professor of organic chemistry and a group of researchers at the University of Newcastle, UK that believe have identified a role of the gas as feedstock. They have developed a method to convert waste and non purified CO2 into cyclic carbonates at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure, using a highly active aluminum catalyst. Cyclic Carbonates find uses in application as solvents,paint strippers, biodegradable packaging and as a feedstock for anti-knock agents for gasoline.

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

New pumping extractor to remove oil and grease from water

See at www.oilskimmers.com a list of units that will collect various volumes of oils (100+ gph) from water. It is very simple: there is a special Polyurethane rubber tube or belt that attracts oils, collects them and deposits them in a reservoir. Can work 24 hours and withstands temperatures up to 200 degrees F and freezing conditions.

New pumping extractor to remove oil and grease from water

See at www.oilskimmers.com a list of units that will collect various volumes of oils (100+ gph) from water. It is very simple: there is a special Polyurethane rubber tube or belt that attracts oils, collects them and deposits them in a reservoir. Can work 24 hours and withstands temperatures up to 200 degrees F and freezing conditions

sábado, 21 de junio de 2008

Ojo con los Zapatos de Goma

En la Universidad de Arizona el Dr Charles Gerba, un Microbiologo, investigando conteos de bacterias en objetos del hogar, ha encontrado que en promedio se pueden encontrar 421000 unidades de bacterias en la parte externa y 2887 en la parte interna de unos zapatos de goma.
Algunas de estas bacterias encontradas incluyen Escherichia coli, causante de infecciones intestinales y del tracto urinario, diarrea; Klebsiella pneumonia, causante de pneumonia e infecciones circulatorias y Serratia ficaria causante de infecciones respiratorias, asma y otras.
Estas bacterias son causantes de muchas infecciones de la piel, hongos, pies de atleta y ademas son transmitidas de algunos pisos contaminados a otros pisos en el hogar.
La buena noticia es que solamente lavando los zapatos de goma con detergente reduce la cantidad de bacterias en un 90 %. El uso de antibacterianos en la parte interna de los zapatos resuelve el problema temporalmante pero no controla las bacterias externas. Para leer mas sobre este estudio vea www.rockport.com
Asi que a lavar los zapatos frecuentemente !!!

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008


Es sabido que el Polietileno de Alta Densidad, (PEAD, HDPE en ingles) es uno de los plasticos mas economicos y mas utilizados, especialmente en la elaboracion de bolsas plasticas y envases plasticos, como en botellas para el envasado de productos de limpieza y quimicos en general.
Sin embargo una desventaja del uso del polietileno es la permeacion a vapores o gases, y su falta de claridad debido a su cristalinidad. Estas ultimas caracteristicas llevan al consumidor a utilizar envases de otros polimeros, como el PVC, Policarbonato o PET, que son transparentes y aguantan mas presion interna, pero a mucho mayor precio.
Ahora sin embargo se ha logrado una nueva linea de envases de Polietileno que combinando su mayor pureza, su reduccion del estado cristallino, estilizando su forma estructural y optimizando el peso de la botella, se ha logrado un envase que permite llenar productos quimicos con muy alta presion de vapor como el hidroxido de amonio, conocido como amoniaco. Para mas detalles ir a http://www.pvcc.com/ o puede leer la revista Packaging World de Junio 2008 en http://www.packworld.com/ .En el caso del Polipropileno, se ha logrado esta mejora en las caracteristicas de transparencia, reduciendo la cristalinidad mediante el uso de agentes nucleantes como acido benzoico y benzoato de sodio.
Estos polimeros termoplasticos en general son destinados en su mayoria a la fabricacion de empaques; solo en Europa se gastaron en el 2007 una cantidad igual a 54 Billones de Euros correspondientes a 18.2 millones de toneladas de estos materiales. Esto debido a la gran flexibilidad de caracteristicas de estos materiales, su versatilidad, su resistencia, su bajo costo, su facil procesamiento y transformacion, etc, que han hecho que desde su descubrimiento, los plasticos hayan crecido enormemente en su utilizacion y han suplantado el uso de muchos otros materiales.......Pero sin embargo hay siempre una desventaja; los plasticos son demasiado duraderos y poco degradables, o sea que si dejamos en la tierra una botella de polipropileno, tarda demasiado tiempo en degradarse y descomponerse a sus elementos elementares por efecto del oxigeno, microorganismos y el tiempo. Esto ha hecho que las grandes empresas y gobiernos de muchos paises, ( y especialmente por el motivo de la biodegradabilidad, el calentamiento global, las fuentes alternas de energia, etc) esten considerando nuevamente el uso de materiales clasicos como el vidrio, papel, biomateriales, fibras naturales, carton o metales, que son mucho mas reciclables (100%) y con mejor biodegradabilidad.

martes, 10 de junio de 2008


New R&D projects by BASF and Harvard University scientists are directing efforts to determine how biofilms are formed and how they can be prevented.
Biofilms, are bacterial communities that form on a range of surfaces from water pipes to medical devices in hospital patients, that have come under the microscope because they are believed to be the cause of severe hospital-acquired infections, leading to thousands of death every year.
Biofilms are difficult to eradicate because the constituent cells are intrinsically more resistant to antimicrobials and biocides than individual cells of the same species growing as dispersed populations and may require antibiotic level of biochemicals to combat them. This studies will combine knowledge of biochemistry, chemistry, biology, physics and materials science. For further information you may see May 26th edition of www.ChemicalWeek.com .


In the raw materials distribution channel, UNIVAR is quickly settling down after the purchase of CHEMCENTRAL with its large solvent's business.
Big chemical company Degussa and TH Goldschmidt Ltd, the house of Tego chemicals has been absorbed by EVONIK.
ALBERDINGK BOLEY has bought a polymer division of MEAD WESTVACO resins.
FMC acquired some divisions of ISP and AKZO NOBEL purchased British ICI. This is a sad moment for the British Chemical Industry that see one of their pioneer companies greatest in the 1960's........disappear . Now however AKSO NOBEL is selling ICI divison of sealants and adhesives, and electronic material businesses part to HENKEL.
For a great web page see the new CPC AEROSCIENCE, the leader in private label aerosol manufacture.
Rohm and Haas completed the acquisition of the polymer dispersion division of FINNDISP, Finland.
Ashland has agreed to buy Hercules for $3.3 billion, valued at $23.01/share.
DOW ACQUIRES ROHM AND HAASDow, Midland, MI, and Rohm and Haas have announced a definitive agreement under which Dow will acquire all outstanding shares of Rohm and Haas common stock for $78 per share in cash. The acquisition of Rohm and Haas will make Dow the world's leading specialty chemicals and advanced materials company, combining the two organizations' best-in-class technologies, broad geographic reach and strong industry channels to create an outstanding business portfolio with significant growth opportunities.
Tomah3 was recently bought by Air Products...visit www.airproducts.com

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

Phosphatizing Metals

Iron Phosphate Cleaner/Coaters

TrueFinish offers a wide variety of pretreatment products. Our Chemfos KA is a fluoride containing spray wand product. This product can be used on CRS (cold rolled steel), Aluminum, and Galvanized steel as well.
Chemfos KA is completely miscible with water and applied by the common steam gun apparatus or similar equipment. This product provides an iron phosphate coating weight of 20-60 milligrams per square foot.
Product Benefits:
Each product is biodegradable
All products are in liquid form (no slurry tanks needed)
Each product is easily dispersed in water
Cleaner/coater concentration can be controlled easily through metering system
Variety of products (6) to meet your cleaner/coater requirements
A cleaner/coater can be used with a hot, high pressure spray wand or in a 3-stage spray system
For more information on this or any of our other products please email us at truefinishsupport@ppg.com.

sábado, 7 de junio de 2008


Muchos cientificos se convirtieron en Hippies en su debido tiempo al descubrir o aislar compuestos quimicos como el LSD, (lysergic acid diethylamine), tetra-hidro cannabinol (marijuana), psilocybin ( del hongo psilocibean semilanceoata), peyote ( del cactus Mexicano),opio (de la Amapola) , heroina ,etc.
En este articulo quiero mencionar especificamente el caso del Quimico, Dr. Albert Hofmann, un investigador suizo que trabajo para los Laboratorios Sandoz, que murio recientemente (Abril 08) a la edad de 102, 65 despues del descubrimiento del LSD.
Hofmann que estaba estudiando "los jugos gastrointestinales de los caracoles en los cultivos de uvas", que no era una gran eminencia ni una estrella como otros colegas como el Dr Timothy Leary de Harvard, dio a conocer al mundo una de las drogas que cambiarian mas notablemente el comportamiendo social y de estilo de vida de las personas. Prueba de esto es la moda psicodelica de esa fecha y la exteriorizacion de musicos como John Lennon, Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin y otros que comenzaron sus "viajes" al espacio interno como psiconautas. Leary por otra parte hizo tambien experimentos subsecuentes con LSD como una droga psiquiatrica y se volvio loco tomando esta droga.
Hofmann tambien comenzo sus propios vuelos; despues del descubrimiento coincidencial del LSD en 1938, a partir de los alcaloides de los hongos Ergot , como tratamiento para los desordenes circulatorios, continuo los experimentos recristallizando estos alcaloides y observo que su percepcion y sentidos se veian afectados con solo oler estos compuestos. Hofmann en 1943, tomo una dosis de 0.25 mg de LSD y comenzo un viaje, con alucinaciones, modificaciones del audio, vision y de los sentidos en general, que para el, y como muchos lo describen fue el primer pason (bad trip) de la historia.
Hasta 1966 LSD fue legal en USA como una droga experimental, pero por el alarmante mal uso que muchos usuarios comenzaron a darle a la droga, fue declarada illegal en 1971 por Naciones Unidas para la mayoria del mundo. Hoy esta droga es utilizada por la medicina aplicada como un relajante y pasivante de las ansiedades en pacientes con enfermedades terminales.

martes, 3 de junio de 2008


Usted habra escuchado que la limpieza mas agresiva es la que se realiza en el proceso de "sand blasting", utilizado mucho por grandes contratistas para la remocion de pintura y oxido de grandes tuberias para gas o petroleo, o en la limpieza de piezas metalicas. Despues se empezo a utilizar el "soda blasting", utilizando bicarbonato de sodio granular como el medio de bombardeo. Hoy el nuevo metodo desarrollado es el uso de CO2, en forma de hielo seco granular que sublima de solido a gas, sin dejar residuo en la pieza que se esta limpiando. La accion ocurre al bombardear estas particulas de hielo seco a una alta presion sobre la superficie, produciendo microexplosiones que levantan el sucio, pintura, oxido y otros contaminates. Este proceso es muy efectivo, no es abrasivo a la superficie y no es toxico. Para ver mayores detalles de esta tecnologia, pueder revisar varios articulos en www.processcleaning.com edicion de mayo/junio 2008.

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The Green Seal certification is granted by the organization with that name and has a great number of members contributing with the requirements to pass a raw material or a chemical product as "green". Generally for a material to be green, has to comply with a series of characteristics like: near neutral pH, low volatility, non combustible, non toxic to aquatic life, be biodegradable as measured by oxygen demand in accordance with the OECD definition.
Also the materials have to meet with toxicity and health requirements regarding inhalation, dermal and eye contact. There is also a specific list of materials that are prohibited or restricted from formulations, like ozone-depleting compounds and alkylphenol ethoxylates amongst others. Please go to http://www.greenseal.com/ for complete information on their requirements.
For information on current issues regarding green chemicals, see the blog from the Journalist Doris De Guzman, in the ICIS at: http://www.icis.com/blogs/green-chemicals/.
Certification is an important — and confusing — aspect of green cleaning. Third-party certification is available for products that meet standards set by Green Seal, EcoLogo, Energy Star, the Carpet & Rug Institute and others.
Manufacturers can also hire independent labs to determine whether a product is environmentally preferable and then place the manufacturer’s own eco-logo on the product; this is called self-certification. Finally, some manufacturers label a product with words like “sustainable,” “green,” or “earth friendly” without any third-party verification.
“The fact that there is not a single authoritative standard to go by adds to the confusion,” says Steven L. Mack M.Ed., director of buildings and grounds service for Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
In www.happi.com of June 2008 edition, there is a report of Natural formulating markets that also emphasises the fact that registration of "green formulas" is very confused at present, due to lack of direction and unification of criteria and that some governmental instittion (in my opinion the EPA) should take part in this very important issue.